Hot Water Extraction
Okay, maybe it’s not this hot…
Ages ago what was it like to get carpet cleaned? You’d have some guys out to your house, they bring some heavy equipment inside. Before you know it the carpet is soaked. It stays wet for days, you begin to smell something and wonder if this was a good idea. Afterwards it seems that the carpet gets soiled faster than it did before the cleaning. What is going on here?
The Dark Times
All of this is ancient history, but us carpet cleaners cannot escape it. We still get the comment, not even a question, “I know this will get dirtier faster after you clean it.” Cleaners used to use real shampoo and rotary machines to agitate it. This is not unlike washing your hair, it’s the lather that helps to suspend the soil and make it possible to rinse it away. Small, portable machines were used to extract the cleaners and water. The vacuum blowers they use are not very powerful. The question comes up, if they are leaving so much moisture behind, what else are they leaving behind. Soapy residue left in the carpet attracts soil faster. All the agitation from shampooing puts unecessary wear on the carpet.
The truckmount
Many people call it steam cleaning, but Hot Water Extraction is the method of carpet cleaning we use today. We do it with a truckmount machine. Our heat in the solution is coming from the van engine so it runs pretty close to 200 degrees. The power for the vacuum blower is coming from the vehicle as well. We are able to remove enough moisture to get drying times between 6 and 8 hours without help. Our equipment and the noise stay outside and before too long that’s where the wastewater goes as well!
I like to tell customers that what we do is more about science than elbow grease. We keep in mind things like temperature, pH, agitation, and our vacuum pressure. During our hot water extraction, we apply the right treatment to free the soil from your carpet fibers, then we rinse it away with a hot solution designed to flush out that prespray. Minimum moisture, maximum heat, minimum residue, no wear on your carpet from us at all. Progress is amazing.
Call an Expert
Done right, Carpet cleaning should keep your home cleaner longer. And we arent even talking about protectant yet… Give us a call and do your part to close the door on a dark chapter of home service history. Welcome in the best technology the industry can offer and enjoy a fresh, long lasting clean in your home today.
Want to learn more? Contact Expert Carpet Care now.